Knesset Election Results

Knesset Election Results

      Knesset Election Results
    January 28, 2003

    Following is the distribution of Knesset seats according to the final election results:

    Party Seats in the Knesset
    (of 120)
    Likud 38 29.4
    Labor-Meimad 19 14.5
    Shinui 15 12.3
    Shas 11 8.2
    National Union 7 5.5
    Meretz 6 5.2
    NRP 6 4.2
    Torah Judaism 5 4.3
    Hadash 3 3.0
    Am Ehad 3 2.8
    Balad 3 2.3
    Yisrael Ba'aliya 2 2.2
    United Arab List 2 2.1

    Summary of election results January 2003

    Elections in Israel January 2003 - Special Update
    Ariel Sharon's coalition options - Ha'aretz, Jan 29, 2003
    Surplus Vote Agreements
    Elections to the 16th Knesset - Official election website
    Israel Decides: Elections 2003 - Ha'aretz special election section
    Elections 2003 - Jerusalem Post special election section